
🔮 Sphynx

🔮 Sphynx (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kitbull


Trait: Makes the kitbull partially or entirely hairless
Size: Minimal 25% body coverage (or just the "face" area is OK) up to a max 100% body coverage


  • Can be partially hairless (eg: could still have head hair! or tail fluff!)
  • Can be entirely hairless
  • Can be smooth and frog-like, with a light sheen to it (cannot make the body appear made of anything other than normal live animal skin.)
  • Can be wrinkly like a hairless animal

✅ NEW DESIGNS: skin can be any color and have markings
✅ WHEN APPLIED TO EXISTING DESIGNS: should have a similar color and markings to the fur that used to exist there. While the color can be tweaked to differentiate it, it would not overhaul the palette/markings by default!
✅ FOR TRUBULLS: can allow them to have normal human skin, in this case it CAN add a lot of new color if it's similar to a real life skintone! Otherwise it must be a similar color to the fur if applied to an existing design.

❌ Trait is not needed to add scars or burns where hair would naturally be missing, this is separate!
❌ Does not add large amounts of new color to the palette when applied to an existing design
❌ Foot marking must still be visible!

Delicate Anetnnae by BrowbirdDelicate Anetnnae by Browbird

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